Pentathlon GB Membership Terms and Conditions
1. By completing the online membership form you agree that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and Pentathlon GB’s Codes of Conduct.
1.1 These terms and conditions may be revised from time to time. If they are revised, you will be asked to agree to the revised conditions when next signing into our Sport:80 platform. It will be your responsibility to keep up-to date with all such changed and your continued membership shall be deemed acceptance of any changes to these terms and conditions.
1.2 If you are purchasing a membership on behalf of someone under the age of 18, you are confirming that you are the responsible adult agreeing to these terms on their behalf.
1.3 Pentathlon GB has the right to revoke a membership without notice and without a refund if the user is deemed to be in breach of the user agreement.
Day Membership
2. If you have taken out a day membership with Pentathlon GB you are committing to a specified event of your choosing. Once this membership has been purchased it is non-refundable and non-transferable. This membership does not automatically grant you access to competitions. A separate event entry must be made for any event you wish to enter. This must be carried out through the Sport:80 platform.
2.1 In line with our competition entry terms and conditions, if your entry is accepted, no refund is possible for a withdrawal for any reason for the day membership fee once the final closing date has passed. If you withdraw before the closing date then you will be refunded, less the relevant administration fees*. Any refund will be done by BACS only, no cheques will be issued by Pentathlon GB.
2.2 We are unable to offer a membership transfer to another event and we do not offer membership credit under any circumstances.
Individual Membership
3. If you have taken out a full individual membership, you are entering a fixed period of one calendar year effective from the start date of your membership. The membership will be active at the point of accepted payment. Due to the contractual obligation of this membership, you will not be able to receive a refund for this if you later cancel the agreement, irrespective of usage (except in exceptional circumstances to be decided by the senior leadership team at Pentathlon GB).
4. You are entitled to a 14-day cooling off period allowing you to cancel your membership within 14 days of entering the agreement. To do so, you must submit your request to cancel with a justified reason, in writing, to [email protected] this will be accepted the date that the email is received.
5. If the membership has been used to enter a competition or to take part in a training event within the first 14 days, the cooling off period will be void and you will therefore not receive any refund.
Auto renewal
6. When completing the individual membership form you will be prompted to select either a onetime payment or auto renewal option. If selecting auto renewal, the card details used at the time of payment will be saved and payment automatically taken from the same account on the renewal date of the membership the following year. Email communications will be sent prior to the transaction taking place. It is your responsibility to ensure your contact details remain up to date for this communication to take place. The auto renewal can be cancelled at any time before the membership renewal date. Once the auto renewal transaction has taken place, the agreement will be subject to the same 14 day cooling off policy for cancelation of the new agreement.
UK Anti-Doping
7. As a National Governing Body, Pentathlon GB adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code and UK Anti- Doping Rules. As a National Governing Body, Pentathlon GB adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code and UK Anti-Doping Rules. All Pentathlon GB members shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with and agreed to be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti- Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.
Anti-Doping testing of athletes can take place anywhere and at any time. By taking out a membership with Pentathlon GB, athletes and parents or guardians of those athletes under the age of 18, confirm that they give consent to Pentathlon GB as the National Governing Body of Modern Pentathlon to allow you/your child to be selected for doping control.
It is important to be aware that by not giving parental consent you could be stopping your child competing and the refusal of a test is an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) and can lead to a ban from sport. For more information on the Anti-Doping Rules, including ADRV’s and the testing process please visit the UKAD website.
The UK Anti-Doping Rules apply to all members (whether individual, life, or day membership), for whichever is the longer of a) the length of the membership period; or b) 12 months from the date of issue of the membership.
Process for cancellation of membership
8. Any individual requesting a cancellation of a Membership should contact PGB by e-mail at [email protected]
Alternatively, individuals may put their request in writing to: Membership Department, Pentathlon GB, Sports Training Village, University of Bath. Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY.
Please note that memberships are non-refundable outside of the initial 14-day cooling off period (as outlined in point 4 above).
Parent/Guardian Consent - U18 members only
9. By taking out membership of Pentathlon GB, individuals or their parents/guardians consent to the member being bound by the Byelaws, Technical Regulations, Code of Conduct, Child Protection and Anti- Doping policies of Pentathlon GB.
Parents/Guardians hold legal responsibility for all Members aged under 18. As such, Parents/Guardians understand and agree, in respect of the minor for which they have legal responsibility, for the member to be bound by all aspects of the Membership Terms and Conditions in addition to the following:
Communication Preferences
10. By taking out a membership with Pentathlon GB you are agreeing to receive communication from Pentathlon GB.
Pentathlon GB are permitted to contact members where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and to provide updates and information that is relevant to their membership (this may include information relating to training and events, information related to membership benefits – including Pentathlon GB’s e-newsletter and partner offers and discounts - and information/updates on modern pentathlon and its family of sports).
Members can amend their communication preferences via their profile on Sport80.
If a member wishes to opt out of all communications from Pentathlon GB, they should email [email protected]
Last reviewed: April 2022
1. All competitions are organised under the rules appropriate to the competition. It is the competitor's responsibility to read and understand the rules applicable to the competition they have entered. Competition rules are available from the Pentathlon GB website. By entering a competition, you agree to abide by the rules of the competition and understand that any decision made by the competition organiser is final with no right of appeal or further recourse.
2. To participate in a competition, training event, or regular local training sessions you must be a member of the Modern Pentathlon Association of Great Britain Limited ('Pentathlon GB') on the closing date of the competition and on the day(s) of the competition/event or training session itself. You agree to be bound by its Memorandum and Articles of Association and Rules and Regulations as amended from time to time.
3. Competitors require a full individual membership to compete in a Tetrathlon event, Pentathlon event, National Championship event, or an event that acts as a qualifier for an international competition. Competitors attending an event that is not a Tetrathlon or Pentathlon format, or a national championship but is acting as an international qualifying event, that does not wish to be considered for international selection may compete on a day membership at the discretion of the event organiser.
4. Parents/guardians/supporters/spectators of competitors agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators available from the resources page of the Pentathlon GB website.
5. Competitors must be medically fit to compete in any Pentathlon GB event, and any competitor who competes in an event against the advice of a medical professional will not be covered under Pentathlon GB insurance when competing. All competitors must be capable of swimming at least the distance appropriate for their class without contact with the bottom of the swimming pool and they shall be capable of treading water unaided for a minimum of two minutes. Where the competition pool has water with a minimum depth of 0.9 to 1.5 metres, only competitors who have reached the standard of ASA Competitive Start Award (in accordance with the ASA National Plan for Teaching Swimming - Level 4) will be permitted to start with a shallow racing dive. Any competitors who have not reached this standard must start in the pool.
6. No late entries (unless expressly advertised by the Event Organiser at the point of opening the event), or those entries received after the capacity of the venue is reached can be accepted. Only the results of those individuals who entered through the platform before the advertised event entry deadline will be accepted by Pentathlon GB - individuals cannot transfer their place to another competitor, nor are competitors permitted to compete under the name of another athlete. The results for any individual who had not officially entered through the platform before the advertised event entry deadline will not be accepted by Pentathlon GB as such an entry would be in breach of these Terms & Conditions. Competition entries are not transferable, and no credit can be carried forward. The Head of Operations and Events reserves the right to make exceptions to these terms if deemed necessary. For any Pentathlon GB national competitions where late entries are permitted, a late entry fee of £8.00 will be applicable.
7. If your entry is accepted, no refund is possible for withdrawal for any reason, other than those listed below, once the final closing date has passed. If you withdraw before the closing date then you will be refunded, less the relevant administration fees*. Any refunds will be done by BACS only, no cheques will be issued by Pentathlon GB. The refund will be processed to the card that made the original payment.
Permitted reasons for withdrawal of an event after the final closing date has passed (any refund granted on this basis will be for 50% of the total entry fee paid and less the relevant administration fees paid at the time of entry):
· Competitor (or a member of the competitor’s household) tests positive for Covid-19, and the competitor must self-isolate and therefore cannot travel (proof of positive Covid-19 result for the period of the event certified by a medical practitioner must be provided to Pentathlon GB)
· Competitor sustains an injury or must withdraw from the event due to illness on medical advice (proof of injury or illness as certified by a medical practitioner must be provided to Pentathlon GB)
8. If a competition has to be cancelled by Pentathlon GB for any reason, notification will be posted on the Pentathlon GB website as soon as the decision has been made and all entrants made aware as soon as possible. If the competition is cancelled for reasons within our control, each athlete entered into the relevant competition will be offered an alternative competition (where possible) and in default a refund, minus the relevant administration fees*. If the decision to cancel is made because of circumstances beyond the control of Pentathlon GB, e.g. adverse weather conditions or the strong possibility of adverse weather conditions, there will be no refund. The Head of Operations and Events reserves the right to make exceptions to these terms if deemed necessary.
9. For all other local and regional events which any member clubs have organised through Sport:80, it remains at each organiser's discretion as to whether they wish to offer a refund to each competitor for their entry fee minus the relevant administration fees* (and day membership where applicable). It remains the responsibility of the event organiser to clearly communicate their policy regarding this to the competitors involved. Organisers who have collected fees via Sport:80 and who wish to offer a refund should advise Pentathlon GB accordingly so that refunds can be issued as necessary.
10. Everyone attending any event or activity held under the Rules of the Association (or any affiliated body) must take positive care for their own and others' safety and should be aware of, and guard and insure against, the inherent risks of participation or attendance, including the risks of bodily injury and damage to property.
11. The Organisers and all those acting on their behalf disclaim responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any loss or damage to personal or other property. It is the responsibility of competitors and spectators to look after and take their possessions. The Organisers and all those acting on their behalf only accept responsibility for physical harm suffered by a competitor or spectator to the extent imposed by law.
12. Be aware that the use of any substance defined as a banned class by the World Anti Doping Agency is strictly forbidden. Competitors are liable to dope testing, in or out of competition. Refusal or failure to comply may be treated as a positive test.
13. Pentathlon GB observes a strict Child Protection Policy, the provisions of which must be observed at all times. Any individual wishing to use a mobile phone camera, still or video camera at the competition must first please make themselves aware of our Photography Policy. Permission for the use of such equipment is at the discretion of the Competition Organiser, Pentathlon GB and the Venue Management.
14. There may be a professional photographer in attendance at any competition organised by Pentathlon GB. By entering a competition you accept that Pentathlon GB may publish images of the competition which include images of you. You may ask us to take down a clearly identifiable image of you by a request in writing and if the image is exclusively of you and if practical we will do so.
15. Any photographs which you submit to Pentathlon GB may be used free of copyright in any publication produced by Pentathlon GB, including the website.
* All event entries processed through the Sport:80 platform are subject to an administration fee deducted by Sport:80 and Stripe. These fees are non-refundable from the relevant parties.
COVID-19 update
16. As with all our events, we reserve the right to postpone or cancel an event due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances outside our reasonable control. Any event that is impacted by the coronavirus pandemic is deemed to fall within this bracket. Our terms and conditions clearly state that entrants will not be entitled to a refund if an event is cancelled or postponed because of circumstances beyond the control of Pentathlon GB. If an individual is unable to attend an event they have entered due to COVID-19 circumstances, this too is deemed out of PGB's control and as such would fall under our usual terms and conditions relating to an individual's withdrawal from an event.
17. The Head of Operations and Events reserves the right to make exceptions to these terms if deemed necessary. On such occasion, Pentathlon GB may offer a transfer of the entry to another future event of the same/similar calibre, or a full refund (minus an administrative fee*). In the event of cancellation, where a refund is offered, our liability to you would be limited to the refund of entry fees only. We would not be responsible for the reimbursement of any other expenses you may have incurred, such as but not limited to, travel or accommodation costs.
As a National Governing Body, Pentathlon GB adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code and UK Anti-Doping Rules. All Pentathlon GB members shall be deemed to have made him/herself familiar with and agreed to be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.
Anti-Doping testing of athletes can take place anywhere and at any time. By taking out a membership with Pentathlon GB, athletes and parents or guardians of those athletes under the age of 18, confirm that they give consent to Pentathlon GB as the National Governing Body of Modern Pentathlon to allow themselves/their child to be selected for doping control. It is important to be aware that by not giving parental consent you could be stopping your child competing and the refusal of a test is an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) and can lead to a ban from sport. For more information on the Anti-Doping Rules, including ADRV’s and the testing process please visit the UKAD website.